Knowledge on the Nordics
Listen to researchers talk about the history, society and culture of the Nordic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the autonomous territories, Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Åland). Mainly interviews and panel discussions, but also synopses of particular historical events and topics within the humanities and social sciences written by researchers and read out in one of the Nordic languages as well as English.
74 episodes
The Baltic Sea Region and Estonian Landscapes
Listen to a podcast about the landscapes of Estonia and how phases in history have left their mark, from old nineteenth-century German manors to sparsely populated ex-Soviet training areas. Hannes Palang from Tallinn University talks to editor ...
Season 1
Episode 22

The Baltic Sea Region and Estonian Seascapes
Listen to a podcast that uncovers the different layers of the Estonian coastline from a human geography perspective. Estonian seascapes range from beaches to waterfalls and have historically supported people in a range of industries from touris...
Season 1
Episode 21

The Baltic Sea Region and An Estonian Heritagescape
Listen to a podcast about the northeastern region of Estonia and how research can uncover different layers of a landscape. Hear about oil shale production, the influx of people during Soviet times, contemporary outdoor adventure in the fo...
Season 1
Episode 20

Regionalisation and the Baltic Sea Region
Listen to a podcast about when and why states in and around the Baltic Sea have worked together for economic, social or geopolitical reasons, with a focus on Poland. After the end of the Cold War, regional initiatives like the Council ...
Season 1
Episode 21

NNL Pod 15: What was the New Nordic Lexicon podcast series about?
Listen to a whistlestop tour covering the last 14 podcasts, touching down in Aarhus, Stockholm, Oslo, and Helsinki, and featuring clips from podcasts where young people put questions to researchers on topics of the day, including the consequenc...
Season 5
Episode 15

NNL POD 14: What was the Nordic humanitarian response to the Biafra Crisis?
Listen to a discussion on how Nordic public and voluntary organisations - particularly in Denmark, Sweden and Finland - responded to the famine which ensued when Biafra attempted to secede from Nigeria in the 1960s.In the fourteenth epi...
Season 5
Episode 14

NNL Pod 13: Why and how is the English language used in the Nordic countries?
Listen to a discussion on how the use of English in the Nordic countries, with a focus on Finland and Sweden, and the consequences of this on immigration populations and identity.In the thirteen episode, students Gaëtan Gamba and Essi T...
Season 5
Episode 13

NNL Pod 12: How do biligualism and minority languages function in Finland and Sweden?
Listen to a discussion on the diversity of the languages in the Nordic countries, focusing on how bi- and multulingualism functions in practice, and the history, framework and importance of minority and heritage languages and their status in Sw...
Season 5
Episode 12

NNL Pod 11: Why is there a gap between talking and action when it comes to climate change? / Hvorfor fører klimasnak ikke til handling?
Listen to an interview in Swedish and Norwegian on the gap between talk and action when it comes to climate change. In the eleventh podcast for the New Nordic Lexicon, students from Bergen and Lund speak to Maria Wolrath-Söderberg ...
Season 5
Episode 11

NNL Pod 10: How is rhetoric relevant to climate change? / Hvordan er retorik relevant i forhold til klimaforandringer?
Listen to an interview in Swedish and Norwegian on how people’s use of language and their thoughts have a direct effect on their level of emissions. Research into how people reason and think about climate change is crucial to the debate on clim...
Season 5
Episode 10

NNL Pod 9: How has political and literary security changed since the invasion of Ukraine? / Hvilke sikkerhedspolitiske og litterære ændringer er der sket siden invasionen af Ukraine?
Listen to an interview in Danish on the changing political landscape since the invasion of Ukraine, both in Russia, Europe and Norden with two researchers from Aarhus University.Daniela Lange Andersen and Mattias Carlberg, students from...
Season 5
Episode 9

NNL Pod 8: How has political and literary culture changed since the invasion of Ukraine? / Hvilke ændringer i den politiske og litterære kultur er der sket siden invasionen af Ukraine?
Listen to an interview in Danish on the changing cultural landscape within both politics and literature since the invasion of Ukraine, both in Russia, Europe and Norden, with two researchers from Aarhus University.In the eigth podcast f...
Season 5
Episode 8

NNL Pod 7: What is the state of gender policy in Norway today? / Hvordan står det til med kønspolitikken i Norge i dag?
In this episode, Victoria Austveg, a Master’s student from the University of Oslo, speaks to Mari Te...
Season 5
Episode 7

NNL Pod 6: What are the challenges to gender equality policymaking in the Nordics?
Listen to a discussion on policymaking, gender segregation and equal pay.In this, the sixth podcast for the New Nordic Lexicon, where students Emma Healey from the Universi...
Season 5
Episode 6

NNL Pod 5: Does reality live up to the Nordics' reputation when it comes to gender equality?
Listen to a discussion on the Nordic equality model, whether its reputation holds up to scrutiny, and differences between the Nordic countries (particularly Norway and Sweden) when it comes to gender issues.In this episode, students
Season 5
Episode 5

NNL Pod 4: How are city planning and sustainability connected?
Listen to how cities have developed historically and about different urban approaches to sustainability and inclusivity. In this episode, students from Helsinki and Södertörn Universities,
Season 5
Episode 4

NNL Pod 3: Why should young people be involved in urban planning?
It is not always easy for children and young people to get their voices heard when it comes to the planning of the cities they live in. But their input is important for a whole range of reasons including that cities need to be fit for purpose, ...
Season 5
Episode 3

NNL Pod 2: Can we identify with regions like the Nordics or the Baltic Sea region?
Pan-national regions – like the Nordics or the Baltic Sea region - can give us an alternative perspective to the nation state. What are the benefits and challenges of these pan-national regions and have feelings of identity changed since the Ru...
Season 5
Episode 2

NNL Pod 1: What is the Baltic Sea Region and how has it changed since the invasion of Ukraine?
The Nordic Region is part of the Baltic Sea Region, connected in historical, cultural and economic ways. Listen to a podcast about what has changed in the Baltic Sea Region since the invasion of Ukraine, and about how regions are not static and...
Season 5
Episode 1

Brugen af engelsk i den nordiske region
Engelskkundskaberne er både udbredte og på højt niveau i de nordiske lande, og det er der legitime historiske og sociopolitiske årsager til. Men man bør ikke gå ud fra, at alle er lige dygtige til sproget, eller at der ikke sættes spørgsmålsteg...
Season 2
Episode 20

The Use of English in the Nordic Region
Proficiency in English is widespread in the Nordic countries, but not everyone is good at English and the language's dominance is often questioned. Listen to this podcast to find out more about the English language in the Nordic region today.
Season 2
Episode 19

Arvesprog og den nordiske region
Lyt til denne podcast for at finde ud af hvad et arvesprog er, og hvordan tilstanden af arvesprog i den nordiske region er i dag.Podcasten er skrevet af Eeva Sippola og Elizabeth Peterson, oplæst af Caroline Vogt Hansen og produceret af ...
Season 2
Episode 18

Heritage languages and the Nordic Region
Find out what a heritage language is, and what the state of heritage languages in the Nordic region is today in this podcast written by Eeva Sippola and Elizabeth Peterson from the University of Helsinki.It is read out and produced by N...
Season 2
Episode 17

Shaping the Nordic Future: Nature and Planning
Listen to a dialogue between three environmental scientists about how nature-based solutions are used in the Nordics, their benefits and their downsides. Editor of nordics.info, Nicola Witcombe, talks to Isabel Seifert-Dähnn, an environme...
Season 1
Episode 19

Diversity Management in Denmark and Beyond
This podcast is about how large organisations, like companies and trade unions, can learn from social movements such as Pride. While some of it may be lip service, the hope is that some elements stick, resulting in more diverse and inclusive wo...
Season 1
Episode 18